My Reiki Journey

My Reiki Journey

The path of Reiki chose me during a pivotal moment in my life when dissatisfaction loomed over my career and relationships. A series of setbacks, misfortunes, and unexpected events had left me feeling adrift, entrenched in a sense of being stuck. Beneath the surface, unresolved childhood struggles and lingering traumas cast a shadow, weighing me down. Despite being inherently attuned to the spirit world as a natural-born psychic medium, my encounters with the ethereal were suppressed due to the apprehensions of those who cared for me.

In the midst of my quest for healing and renewal, Reiki entered my life like a guiding light. Drawn to its encompassing philosophy, I felt an undeniable connection with the notion of channeling revitalizing energies. Through Reiki's embrace, I unearthed a pathway to mend my internal wounds while simultaneously extending solace to others. This practice became a conduit for rekindling my suppressed psychic abilities, unveiling a route to self-discovery and empowerment that had long been obscured.

The journey into Reiki unfolded like a slow bloom, gently restoring my sense of purpose and equilibrium. The curative energies acted as a salve, liberating me from the weight of unresolved emotions and rekindling the flicker of my spiritual affiliation. Gradually, I embraced my psychic mediumship capabilities once more, albeit tentatively. This odyssey prompted me to cultivate trust in my intuitive aptitudes and embrace the profound healing potential they harboured.

Transitioning into the role of a Reiki practitioner seamlessly melded my intrinsic psychic mediumship prowess with the systematic tenets of a healing practice. This expedition has been one of profound metamorphosis – a journey that mended not just my own wounds but also furnished me with the tools to guide others along their curative routes. Reiki emerged as the guiding star that illuminated my course away from stagnation, endowing me with the audacity to embrace my authentic self and actualise my potential as a healer.