Cord Cutting, Hook Removal and Disconnection from Past Masters. Part 3 (90 mintues

Cord Cutting, Hook Removal and Disconnection from Past Masters. Part 3 (90 mintues

Ritual for Renewal and Integration

Recommended Face-to-Face In the final part of this transformative journey, we conduct a ritual to seal the healing process, intensifying the effects of the previous sessions. This ceremony enhances your newfound freedom, and we provide ongoing guidance and crystals to help you move forward with a clean slate.

Benefits of Cords, Hooks, and Disconnection from Past Masters Healing:

  • Renewed Autonomy: Releasing cords and hooks allows individuals to regain a sense of control over their lives. They can make decisions and choices that are truly aligned with their desires and values, free from external influences.
  • Emotional Healing: The process of addressing these energetic attachments can lead to emotional healing. Individuals often experience a reduction in negative emotions, such as anxiety, anger, and sadness, as they release the burdens of the past.
  • Personal Empowerment: As individuals break free from the influence of cords, hooks, and past masters, they gain a newfound sense of personal empowerment. They become more confident in their abilities and are better equipped to tackle life's challenges.
  • Greater Clarity: Removing these energetic attachments can result in increased mental clarity. Individuals may find it easier to think clearly, make decisions, and set meaningful goals for themselves.
  • Balanced Well-Being: Achieving balance in one's emotional and spiritual life is a crucial benefit. By letting go of unhealthy attachments, individuals can experience a more harmonious sense of well-being.
  • Fresh Perspective: The process provides a fresh perspective on life. Without the weight of past influences and attachments, individuals can see the world and their own potential in a new light.
  • Spiritual Growth: Disconnection from past masters, including those from past lives, can facilitate spiritual growth. Individuals may feel more in tune with their spiritual path and better able to explore their inner selves.

Package Discount: To maximize the benefits of this healing journey, we recommend booking all three parts together, which comes with a 15% discount on the total cost.

Total Cost for All Three Parts including discount: £510

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Igniting Paths of Light and Spirit

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